
Welcome to the Bionty guide! 👋

In the following we will outline the main concepts and terminology of Bionty.


In many practical applications, a biological entity (e.g., Species) represents a variable that can take values from a vocabulary of terms.

  1. There are different roughly equivalent vocabularies for the same entity. For example, one can describe species with the vocabulary of the scientific names, the vocabulary of the common names, or the vocabulary of ontology IDs for the same species.

  2. There are different versions and granularity of these vocabularies. Typically, vocabularies are based on a given version of a public ontology, and may contain “custom” terms representing new knowledge that is not yet represented publicly.

Entity model#

We address 1. with a so-called Entity model: Within Bionty, the primary representation for an entity is a Bionty object resembling an Entity, in which each column of the Entity table attribute corresponds to a vocabulary.

We address 2. through a user-setup process consists of:

  • looking up a standard ontology, fixing a resolution/depth of terms in the ontology and writing it to the vocabulary.

  • adding user-defined terms to the ontology, or, if their relation within the ontology is not yet clear, directly to the vocabulary.


  • Species is an entity.

  • Take one value that the entity can take: human is a choice (the name) for a descriptor of the abstract entry/ value/ term homo sapiens

The Bionty class#

The Bionty class is the core class of Bionty that implements the above introduced Entity model.

It offers three primary functionalities (.df, .lookup, .curate) that are managed by a single parameter id. When instantiating a Bionty object set the default id by, for example, bionty.Phenotype(reference_id="id"). The id corresponds to the field name that constitutes the primary reference for every subsequent operation (.df, .lookup, .curate).

  1. Accessing ontology DataFrames: The reference_id parameter sets the default index of the Pandas DataFrame when it is accessed (.df). See Look up records of species, gene, protein, cell marker.

  2. Looking up records: Bionty offers a .lookup function to lookup identifiers of Bionty records. See Look up records of species, gene, protein, cell marker.

  3. Curating ontologies: By default, .curate curates any specified column in the target Pandas DataFrame against the index as defined by the reference_id of the Bionty DataFrame. See Curate entity identifiers.


  1. entity (lower case) refers to biological entities as described above.

  2. Bionty refers to the entity class.

  3. Bionty table/reference table refers to a table where the columns are vocabularies, accessed via Bionty.df.

  4. Records refers to entries/rows in the Bionty table.

  5. Vocabularies are sets of terms that describe an entity.

  6. Ontologies refer to sets of standardized terms that constitute a vocabulary.